Psychometric Test

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The career hub

Discover your
Perfect Career

Find out the best career path for you, matching your strengths, interests and personality traits with world's most advanced psychometric career assessment.

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The career hub psychometric test

Interest + Personality + Abilities

The Career Hub's psychometric test is a comprehensive, scientifically validated assessment that measures your interests, personality traits, and abilities to match it up with the best career path for you.

3 simple steps

You don't have to struggle alone, you've got our assistance and help.

Take the Test📝

The Career Hub test consists of 120 self assessment questions. It takes on an average 18-20 minutes to complete the assessment.

Analyze Report📊

After assessment, a detailed personalised report is generated based on the basis of strengths, interests, and personality.

Talk to the Expert 🙋

Get along with our expert to better understand your report and freely ask all your queries. This process is fully Confidential.

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The career hub

Frequently asked

In simple words, you should expect a report which reflects your personality, strengths, interests, skills etc. Report also shortlists a few career clusters for which you are most suitable. Test will help you to choose the right career path and even help you in switching the career.

This test will give you the ideal career options for you. If you wish to curate a specific and a unique career plan for you, it is advisable to convey this to the career coach who will call you after you submit the test.

Test will take around 30 minutes. There is no time limit or expiration date of the test.